so many times in your life
moments will bring you close to tears
this was one of them
jai lee is not only an amazing human being,
a beautiful friend
and phenomenal surfer
but he is also a really talented artist
with a love for everything dark and possibly dead
i am lucky enough to have had a 2m x .75 painted for me
(yep- a tear rolled form my eye as i rolled it out)
he updates his tumblr often www.jaidivision.tumblr.com
start following him
it gets addictive
you have been warned
moments will bring you close to tears
this was one of them
jai lee is not only an amazing human being,
a beautiful friend
and phenomenal surfer
but he is also a really talented artist
with a love for everything dark and possibly dead
i am lucky enough to have had a 2m x .75 painted for me
(yep- a tear rolled form my eye as i rolled it out)
he updates his tumblr often www.jaidivision.tumblr.com
start following him
it gets addictive
you have been warned
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